

Select year2016

  • 2016
    • SESAR DM logo

      New secondment opportunities available

      The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Deployment Alliance (SDA) is a cross-industry consortium bringing together airlines, airports and air navigation service providers from across Europe – ...

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    • eu-us state of harmonisation

      Publication provides update on the state of EU/US air traffic management harmonisation

      The purpose of this publication is to provide a high-level summary of the current state of progress towards achieving the necessary level of harmonisation and global interoperability between NextGe...

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    • plane 1

      Single European Sky Awards 2017: apply now!

      The Single European Sky (SES) is a flagship initiative of the European Commission. The objective is to modernise Europe’s inefficient airspace management, which is estimated to cost airlines an ext...

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    • visit to finland 2016
      Press Release

      Visit to Finland showcases SESAR deployment in Borealis area

      Helsinki, Finland, Wednesday, 30th November 2016 – The European Commission (EC) and Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) yesterday visited a Borealis Free Route Airspace implementing par...

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    • 22.11.2016

      Revised roadmap 2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposal

      Message to all candidate Implementing Partners: With regard to the 2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposal, due to some technical issues we were obliged to adjust the roadmap to cope with a slight de...

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    • atm projects green light
      Press Release

      Fresh series of Air Traffic Management projects in Europe get green light

      A fresh series of Pilot Common Pilot (PCP) projects will now receive a EUR 525 million boost to help with the modernising of European airspace. Brussels, Belgium, Friday, 18th November 2016 – The I...

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    • 21.10.2016

      Guidelines for CEF Transport Call 2016 responses preparation available!

      Message to all candidate Implementing Partners 2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposal: The 2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposal have been launched on 13th of October by the European Commission, and...

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    • visit uk 2016
      Press Release

      Visit showcases SESAR deployments in UK

      The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and the European Commission visited the UK on the 4th and 5th of October to see two leading examples of SESAR concepts in operation. Time Based S...

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    • ATM modernisation next level
      Press Release

      SESAR Deployment Manager appointed as Data Link Services (DLS) implementation project manager

      SESAR Deployment Manager appointed as Data Link Services (DLS) Implementation Project Manager SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) has been mandated by the European Commission (EC) to act as Data Link Se...

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    • 17.10.2016

      Newsflash: 400 million euro to support SESAR deployment

      On 13 October, the INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) launched the “2016 CEF Transport Calls for proposals” which includes a budget of 400 million euro to support SESAR deployment. Su...

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    • 17.10.2016

      How to elaborate the Implementation Project description in response to 2016 CEF Transport Call for Proposal

      Message to all candidate Implementing Partners concerning the elaboration of the Implementation Project description in the light of preparing the responses to the 2016 CEF Transport Call for Propos...

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    • ATM modernisation next level
      Press Release

      400 million euro to support SESAR deployment

      Brussels, Belgium, Monday, 17th October 2016 – The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) launched the “2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals” on 13th October, which includes a budget of ...

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    • ATM modernisation next level

      Your initial 2016 CEF Transport Calls preparation package

      Dear stakeholder As shown by the wide attendance during the Sneak Preview meeting of last week, there is a lot of interest in the upcoming 2016 CEF Transport call for proposals. To ensure your part...

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    • DP 2016 online

      Deployment Programme 2016 online

      As from today, the Deployment Programme 2016 is available on our website. You can choose to view/download the entire document or select the chapters of your interest. Please note that this version ...

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    • ATM project Schiphol
      Press Release

      ATM project coordinated by SESAR is being delivered at Amsterdam Schiphol airport

      Brussels, Belgium, Friday, 23rd September 2016 – The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) visited a SESAR Deployment Manager coordinated ATM project at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in The ...

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    • ATM modernisation next level

      Indications of Interest submission Closed

      As SESAR Deployment Manager we would like to thank all operational stakeholders for their efforts on providing us with their Indications of Interest (IoI), in view and preparation of the 2016 CEF C...

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    • plane 1

      Results 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals

      Last week, SDM announced the European Commission (EC) awarding decision on the 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals – Funding Objective 3.3.1, Single European Sky – SESAR. Out of 223 projects sub...

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    • SDM publications

      Submission Indication of Interest 2016 CEF Calls for Transport is open

      As from today, 10th June 2016, it is possible for all SESAR operational stakeholders to express their Indication of Interest to participate in the 2016 CEF Calls for Transport. The Indication of In...

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    • SESAR DM logo 2

      Updated drafts Deployment Programme 2016 & Financing Mechanisms Report shared with Stakeholder Consultation Platform

      Today, SESAR Deployment Manager shared the Updated Drafts of the Deployment Programme 2016 and Financing Mechanisms Report with its Stakeholder Consultation Platform. On 06.05.2016, SDM delivered t...

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    • 28.04.2016

      Consultation Campaign 2016 at full speed

      The SESAR Deployment Manager Consultation Campaign 2016 was kicked off on 28 January and is now at full speed, with the first consultation cycle – out of three in 2016 – concluded. The second Stake...

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    • 13.04.2016

      20 ATM-related manufacturers expressed their interest to cooperate

      On 16/03/2016, the SESAR Deployment Manager launched a Call for Expression of Interest to the Manufacturing Industry. 20 ATM-related manufacturers expressed their interest to cooperate with SESAR D...

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    • SESAR DM logo

      Invitation to ATM-related manufacturers to express their interest to cooperate with the SESAR Deployment Manager

      SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) is the technological pillar of the Single European Sky. It aims to improve Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance by modernising and harmonising ATM syste...

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    • WAC 2016 highlights

      World ATM Congress 2016 highlights on Deployment

      2016 is an exciting year for SESAR as the Deployment Manager is up and running and the Joint Undertaking prepares a new wave of research and innovation (R&I) projects within the framework of SESAR ...

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    • SDM publications
      Press Release

      Deployment Programme 2016, highlights

      Wednesday 9 March, World ATM Congress, Madrid, Spain Today, SESAR Deployment Manager showcased the highlights of the upcoming Deployment Programme 2016 (DP 2016) at the World ATM Congress. DP 2016 ...

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    • SESAR DM Newsletter
      Press Release

      SESAR Deployment Manager congratulates winners first Single European Sky Award & receives a special mention

      SESAR Deployment Manager congratulates the 5 winners of the Single European Sky Awards and is very proud to have received a special mention for establishing the first partnership for deploying SESA...

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      Press Release

      SESAR Deployment Manager and European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment sign Memorandum of Cooperation

      Tuesday 8 March, World ATM Congress, Madrid, Spain Today, the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) and the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation....

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    • SESAR DM logo
      Press Release

      Key facts & figures on SESAR deployment

      Deployment is a daily reality in Europe. Key facts & figures on SESAR deployment Tuesday 8 March, World ATM Congress, Madrid, Spain On the first day of the World ATM Congress, SESAR Deployment Mana...

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    • News 20200727 Header

      London Airspace Management Programme (LAMP) Phase 1a delivers

      The Pilot Common Project (PCP) ATM Functionality 1 aims at optimising operations in Terminal Areas (TMA) through more precise planning and sequencing of arrival aircraft and more flexible flight ro...

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    • SDM publications

      2015 CEF Transport Calls: 3 SESAR Clusters successfully submitted

      In response to the 2015 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals, 3 SESAR Clusters where successfully submitted to INEA by SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) yesterday evening. The 3 proposals, submitted unde...

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    • SDM EIB 2016 1
      Press Release

      SESAR Deployment Manager and European Investment Bank join forces in support of Single European Sky Initiative

      Today, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Pim van Ballekom and Managing Director of the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) Massimo Garbini signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) t...

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Select year2016